Friday, October 3, 2008


not motionless - paralyzed

not gone - nonexIstent

not fearing - cowering

Not deep - bottomless

not killed - destroyed

not falling - sinking

not alone - empTy

not silent - mute

nOt hate - loath

not bad - worse

not less - leasT

not like - love

not ripe - ready

not light - sHine

not morE - most

not rising - flyinG

not good - better

not rich - weaLthy

not bOrn - created

not Wanted - needed

not speaking - singing

not cherished - sacred


B.J. said...

Umm other then that every word has an opposite word I don't under stand this could you please explain??

RachAEL said...

what does "To The Glow" mean?

again, awesome poetry and i like the patterns

RachAEL said...

its ok, yb, u dont need to get it XP

Lady Mew said...

yu wouldnt understand even if we explain it to yu...itz okey YB! *pats shoulder* @%PPP

soo...this iz another deep poem thingy...koolness!!!

okey yu and Saul ar seriously meant to be! i wuz kinda mad that yu stole him but im over it now 888D seriously...yu and Saul should hook up or sumthing

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"

Kobay said...

saul's a lil late...............

Kobay said...

heka sick poem KV XD it's total pwnage!